"For most of us the problem isn't that we aim too high and fail- it's just the opposite- we aim too low and succeed."
-Sir. Ken Robinson

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A recap of the last three days:

On Sunday night, as I mentioned in my Sunday post, I was not feeling very well, and had a digestive problem I tried to remedy on my own. I went to the pharmacy and got some very low-key medicines to try to help with said problem. The medicine did not, unfortunately help by Monday, and I was unable to go to classes all day Monday, let alone get out of bed both because of extreme discomfort and because of a fear of the medicine kicking in while on the field trips we were taking. On Monday, because the medicine from Sunday was not working and I was starting to feel even more uncomfortable, I went back to the pharmacy and got some more hard core medicine, hoping it could take care of the problem. This medicine takes 6 to 24 hours to start working, so I ended up spending all day Tuesday in bed, uncomfortable, and hoping the medicine would kick in. By Tuesday night I knew I would be going to the doctor on Wednesday, and by 7:30am, as soon as I was awake, I sent a text to the director of Casa Herrera asking to be brought to the clinic and doctor available for study abroad students here in Antigua.
Today, Wednesday, I was again mostly incapacitated at home, and was seen by a doctor at 3pm. I now know what is wrong with me, have a diet plan, and I have medication that will help get me straightened out in about 24 hours. What is happening to me could end up becoming dangerous if not taken care of quickly and thoroughly, and in the future I will not wait and self medicate, as I would normally do in the States. I am in a foreign country and there are so many things that could go wrong, so it is extremely important to go to a doctor when your body is trying to tell you something. I could have gone to the doctor Monday morning and not missed three days worth of classes. It is my fault and I will try to find a way to make up the time and work as best as I can. Ironically, my new diet is pretty much what we were told not to eat while here in Antigua; particularly milk. From the day we arrived in Antigua, we were told explicitly to avoid milk; two students have already been ill and have been told they need to avoid milk even more. I have been avoiding milk since my arrival, but today the doctor told me I need it and it will help me with my medical issue. This is another striking reason to make sure that, when ill in another country, go to the doctor!

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