"For most of us the problem isn't that we aim too high and fail- it's just the opposite- we aim too low and succeed."
-Sir. Ken Robinson

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I hate that its been so long since I posted on this blog. I have been pretty busy these last couple of months, but I think its getting to that time of the year where I can start taking the time and energy and put it back in this blog, at least some of it anyways. I will be posting art work from this last semester at MassArt in the next few days, as I take the professional images of it. I have also changed my header on this blog to a new image of myself at the Chapter IV festival of narratives closing reception at the Gallery at the Piano Factory. It was an amazing show and I was very honored be to able to take part in it. The closing reception was amazing. The work on the wall and pedestals were breathtaking and the performances in the last hour of the show were incredible. It was a wonderful night I'm so glad I didn't miss.
I have been blessed this last semester to be able to take part in so many shows, all at once no less. I have been an artist in shows and curated a show, will be curating another soon! It has been a busy few months!